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A New Ultra-Luxe Coffee Table Book Explores the Science of Growing Cannabis

Writing the book on cultivation.

American scientist and inventor Edwin Land once said, “If anything is
worth doing, it’s worth doing to excess,” which feels like the guiding principle THC Design cofounder Ryan Jennemann adhered to when preparing the latest offering from his award-winning cannabis company.

THC Design: Cultivation is a coffee table book of the highest order. Packed with 420 pages of content and weighing in at around 12 pounds, it’s the type of product you’d see coming out of the Phaidon publishing camp, except it’s not just artful. From sections dedicated to pest management and nutrient choices, to detailed photos and diagrams showing 84 straight days in the growth cycle of a healthy plant, Cultivation is about as thorough a walk-through there is for anyone looking to get into the cultivation game, but laid out in an easy-to-understand way for budding novices. In fact, it’s so detailed every purchase should come with a PDF that you can print out and actually reference so you don’t have to get your high-end copy dirty.

According to wholesale cannabis marketplace LeafLink, THC Design’s Crescendo 1/8th was the #1 selling flower in all of California during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, so Jennemann is well-versed in putting out quality product that resonates with weed connoisseurs. THC Design’s line of prerolls and estate-grown flowers have been lauded by bloggers like the Bay Area’s KushCA, and the company did a special collab with MedMen for their XJ-13 strain. Cannabis blog Civilized even toured the THC Design facility and did a super-thorough interview with Jennemann, which you can check out here.

Cultivation is available for purchase through Amazon for $199, and the printing is limited to only 1,000 copies, so if you’re looking for a truly green Christmas gift for the weed enthusiast in your life, jump in and pick this book up. It’s a must-have for greenhorns and green thumbs alike.

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